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Welcome to queerclubbing.tv (beta)

Queerclubbing.tv - watch. connect. support.

Corona, my ass? Digital formats, yeah! You can see it that way, but you don't have to! It is important that we look at the current times with caution and understanding (and stay at home), but also do not forget our human traits. We need music, entertainment, shows, talks and also the interpersonal. A platform that brings us the favorite club, the must-go party or the personal favorite act into the (home) network.

Queerclubbing.tv brings your culture to your home. And we make it a REAL digital event. Here you can stream online, flirt virtually and disappear into direct chats with everyone. The digital wink at the virtual party. Only "together alone" from home.

Through our shop and the support button, you can directly provide your selected channel with support through shop items as well as financial support. You will receive a receipt immediately afterwards.

Do you also want a channel for yourself, your collective, your brand or your venue? Then contact us directly!
Any format of yours can go online here, provid your produced material yourself or have record it beforehand.

Your queer clubb-ies
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